Rochers, 1970
Untitled 《無題》, 1970
Untitled《無題》, 1970
La danse des fleurs | Dance of Flowers《花之舞》, 1970
Près Univers | Near Universe《靠近宇宙》, 1970
Untitled《無題》, 1970
Untitled《無題》, 1970
Lune | Moon 《月》, 1970
Waterfall《瀑布》, 1970
Les choses | Things 《物事》, 1970
Untitled《無題》, 1970
Signe Vertical | Vertical Sign《垂直符號》, 1970
La danseuse | The Dancer 《女舞者》, 1970
Untitled 《無題》, 1970-1971
Untitled《無題》, 1970-1975
Untitled 《無題》, 1970-1975
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Le slience I & II | The Silence I & II 《靜默 (一) 及 (二)》, 1970s
Untitled 《無題》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Le printemps est en retard | Delayed Spring《春天姍姍來遲》, 1970s
La Passion Du Papillon | The Butterfly's Passion 《蝴蝶的愛》, 1970s
The Flying One《飛動者》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Quitter La Terre | Leaving Earth《離開地球》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Untitled 《無題》, 1970s
Soudain bleu | Sudden Blue 《突然的藍》, 1971
Composition《構圖》, 1971
Oiseaux | Birds《鳥》, 1971
Levée du soleil sur la montagne | Sunrise on the Mountain《山上日出》, 1971
Flower《花》, 1971
Espace du dedans | Interior Space《內在空間》, 1971
Untitled《無題》, 1971
Paysages lointains | Distant Landscapes《遙遠的風景》, 1972
Untitled《無題》, 1972
Untitled 《無題》, 1972
Vol parallèle | Parallel Flight《平行飛翔》, 1972
Naissance du jour | Dawn 《日出》, 1972
L'Archipel | Archipelago《群島》, 1972
Il y a une brèche dans le ciel | Breach in the Sky 《天空裡有處缺口》, 1972-1973
Première lumière du jour | First Light of Day《破曉》, 1972-1973
Deux poissons | Fish《雙魚》, 1972-1973
Untitled 《無題》, 1972-1973
Printemps | Spring《春》, 1973
Aller et retour | Back and Forth《往返》, 1973
Reflet éclosolaire | Solar Reflection《朝陽的反光》, 1973
Untitled 《無題》, 1973
Untitled《無題》, 1973
Après la pluie | After the Rain《雨過天晴》, 1973
Untitled 《無題》, 1973
Untitled 《無題》, 1973-1979
Fleurs | Flowers《花》, 1974
Untitled《無題》, 1974
Première lumière du jour | First Light of Day《破曉》, 1974
La lune est voilée | Veiled Moon《遮蔽之月》, 1974
Moon 《月亮》, 1974
Untitled 《無題》, 1974
D'où vient la lumière | Where Does the Light Come From?《光從哪而來》, 1974
Rochers, Rochers, mes frères, je vous salue | Rocks, Rocks, My Brothers, I Salute You 《岩石,岩石,我的兄弟,我向你致敬》, 1974
Untitled《無題》, 1974
Vol haute | Flying High《高飛》, 1974
Untitled《無題》, 1974
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