Soudain bleu | Sudden Blue 《突然的藍》, 1971
Lalan, Galerie Bellint, Paris, France, 16 December 1981 – 30 January 1982
Lalan Paintings – Van Thienen Sculptures-Drawings (Lalan Peintures – Van Thienen Sculptures-Dessins), Centre d'Action Culturelle, Mâcon, France, 14 February – 15 March 1980
LaIan, Galerie du centre culturel Pablo Neruda; Maison des jeunes et de la culture Fernand Léger, Corbeil-Essonnes, France, 10 December 1974 – 5 January 1975
Interior-Exterior (Intérieur-externe), exhibition and art synthèse, painting and music by Lalan, Maison des arts et loisirs de laon, Laon, France, 8 June -28 June, 1972
LaIan, Galerie Moderne, Silkeborg, Denmark, 16 October – 3 November 1971
Exterior-Interior (Extérieur-Intérieur), exhibition and art synthèse, premiere of “Le Cycle”, painting and music by Lalan, Galerie Jacques Desbrières, Paris, France, 20 April – 8 May 1971
「拉蘭 繪畫—范甸南 雕塑與畫」,文化活動中心,法國馬孔,1980年2月14日至3月15日
Fung, Edward, ed. Lalan. Milan: Rizzoli International Publications Inc. and Kwai Fung Art Publishing House, 2022, p14, p22, p24, pp114-115, p279
Extended Figure: The Art and Inspiration of Lalan. Hong Kong: Asia Society Hong Kong Center, 2021, p25, p27, pp48-49, p52 & p146
Sotheby’s, ed. Lalan: Endless Dance. Hong Kong: Sotheby’s, 2019, p13 & p82
Bunnag Booth, Eric, and Beurdeley, Jean-Michel, eds. Lalan: The Cosmic Dance of the Paintbrush. Bangkok: Jean-Michel Beurdeley, 2017, pp41-43
Sotheby’s, ed. Lalan. Hong Kong: Sotheby’s, 2015
Dupouy, Raphaël, ed. Lalan, Van Thienen: The Lavandou Collection. Le Lavandou: Réseau Lalan, 2010, p47
Hun, Terence Kuong-U, et al., eds. Fragrance of the Mind: A Retrospective of Lalan’s Work. Macau: Macao Museum of Art, 2010, p138, p142, p146 & p150
Shanghai Art Museum, ed. My Vision of Paradise: Retrospective of Lalan's Art. Shanghai: Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 2009, p8, p13 & p153
Rougemont, Josiane, ed. Lalan. Bangkok: Jean-Michel Beurdeley, 1999, pp60-64, pp66-67, p144 & p166
Exhibition Brochure of "Lalan", Paris: Galerie Bellint, December 1981, pp9-10
G. Foissy, ed. Lalan Paintings – Van Thienen Sculptures-Drawings. Mâcon: Atelier Reliure Ville de Mâcon, 1980, pp13-14
《延綿之軀: 謝景蘭藝術展》,香港:亞洲協會香港中心,2021年,第25頁、第27頁、第48-49頁、第52頁及第146頁
拉斐爾.朱培伊編:《謝景蘭—范甸南,勒拉旺杜作品集》,勒拉旺杜:Réseau Lalan,2010年,第47頁
G. Foissy編:《拉蘭 繪畫—范甸南 雕塑與畫》,馬孔:Atelier Reliure Ville de Mâcon,1980年,第13-14頁
Le Souffle de Lalan (2015). [DVD] Filmed by Raphaël Dupouy. Le Lavandou: Réseau Lalan
《蘭之氣》(2015). [DVD] 拉斐爾.朱培伊拍攝,勒拉旺杜:Réseau Lalan