Départ de la lune | Departure of the Moon《遁去之月》, 1990
Le carré un peu triste | The Slightly Sad Square《略帶悲傷的方形》, 1990
Le carré en lumière gris | The Square in Gray Light 《灰光中的方形》, 1990
Untitled《無題》, 1990
La terre blessée | The Spoiled Land 《赤土千里》, 1990
Vers le soleil | Toward the Sun《逼近太陽》, 1990
Montagne sans chemin, 1990
Untitled 《無題》, 1990-1991
Untitled 《無題》, 1990-1992
Untitled《無題》, 1990-1992
Untitled 《無題》, 1990-1993
Untitled《無題》, 1990-1995
Untitled《無題》, 1990-1995
Untitled《無題》, 1990s
Untitled《無題》, 1990s
Untitled 《無題》, 1990s
Untitled《無題》, 1991
Untitled《無題》, 1991
Untitled《無題》, 1991
Untitled《無題》, 1991
Untitled《無題》, 1991
Untitled《無題》, 1991
Apparaître et disparaître se demande la lune | Appear and Disappear, the Moon Wonders《月之猶豫》, 1991
Untitled《無題》, 1991
Untitled《無題》, 1991
Untitled 《無題》, 1991
Untitled 《無題》, 1991
Untitled 《無題》, 1991
Untitled《無題》, 1991
Untitled《無題》, 1991
Les Cygnes sauvages | The Wild Swans《野天鵝》 , 1991
Le brouillard se lève | The Fog Rises《霧氣升騰》, 1991-1992
Untitled《無題》, 1992
Untitled《無題》, 1992
Untitled《無題》, 1992
Untitled《無題》, 1992
Rocs en l'automne | Rocks in Autumn《秋岩》, 1992
La Cascade | The Waterfall《瀑布》 , 1992
Untitled《無題》, 1992
Untitled《無題》, 1992
Untitled 《無題》, 1992
Untitled 《無題》, 1992
Untitled 《無題》, 1992
Untitled 《無題》, 1992
Untitled 《無題》, 1992
La cascade, 1992
Untitled 《無題》, 1992-1993
Untitled《無題》, 1993
Untitled《無題》, 1993
Untitled《無題》, 1993
Untitled《無題》, 1993
Untitled 《無題》, 1993
Untitled 《無題》, 1993
Untitled 《無題》, 1993
Untitled 《無題》, 1993
Untitled 《無題》, 1993
Tempête sur le poirier | Storm over the Pear Tree《暴風雨中的梨樹》, 1993-1994
Dedicated to ma soeur Cherie | Dedicated to My Loved Sister《獻給我愛的妹妹》, 1994
Untitled《無題》, 1994
Tondo, 1994
Untitled《無題》, 1994
Untitled《無題》, 1994
La révolte des Mimosas | The Revolt of the Mimosas《金合歡起義》, 1994
Untitled《無題》, 1994
Untitled《無題》, 1994
L'hiver | Winter 《冬》, 1994
Untitled《無題》, 1994
Untitled《無題》, 1995