Untitled 《無題》, 1970
Untitled《無題》, 1970
La danse des fleurs | Dance of Flowers《花之舞》, 1970
Près Univers | Near Universe《靠近宇宙》, 1970
Untitled《無題》, 1970
Les choses | Things 《物事》, 1970
Untitled《無題》, 1970
La danseuse | The Dancer 《女舞者》, 1970
Untitled 《無題》, 1970-1975
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Le slience I & II | The Silence I & II 《靜默 (一) 及 (二)》, 1970s
Untitled 《無題》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Le printemps est en retard | Delayed Spring《春天姍姍來遲》, 1970s
La Passion Du Papillon | The Butterfly's Passion 《蝴蝶的愛》, 1970s
The Flying One《飛動者》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Quitter La Terre | Leaving Earth《離開地球》, 1970s
Untitled《無題》, 1970s
Soudain bleu | Sudden Blue 《突然的藍》, 1971
Composition《構圖》, 1971
Oiseaux | Birds《鳥》, 1971
Levée du soleil sur la montagne | Sunrise on the Mountain《山上日出》, 1971
Flower《花》, 1971
Espace du dedans | Interior Space《內在空間》, 1971
Untitled《無題》, 1971
Paysages lointains | Distant Landscapes《遙遠的風景》, 1972
Untitled《無題》, 1972
Untitled 《無題》, 1972
Vol parallèle | Parallel Flight《平行飛翔》, 1972
Naissance du jour | Dawn 《日出》, 1972
L'Archipel | Archipelago《群島》, 1972
Il y a une brèche dans le ciel | Breach in the Sky 《天空裡有處缺口》, 1972-1973
Première lumière du jour | First Light of Day《破曉》, 1972-1973
Deux poissons | Fish《雙魚》, 1972-1973
Untitled 《無題》, 1972-1973
Printemps | Spring《春》, 1973
Aller et retour | Back and Forth《往返》, 1973
Reflet éclosolaire | Solar Reflection《朝陽的反光》, 1973
Untitled 《無題》, 1973
Untitled《無題》, 1973
Après la pluie | After the Rain《雨過天晴》, 1973
Untitled 《無題》, 1973
Untitled 《無題》, 1973-1979
Fleurs | Flowers《花》, 1974
Untitled《無題》, 1974
Première lumière du jour | First Light of Day《破曉》, 1974
La lune est voilée | Veiled Moon《遮蔽之月》, 1974
Moon 《月亮》, 1974
Untitled 《無題》, 1974
D'où vient la lumière | Where Does the Light Come From?《光從哪而來》, 1974
Rochers, Rochers, mes frères, je vous salue | Rocks, Rocks, My Brothers, I Salute You 《岩石,岩石,我的兄弟,我向你致敬》, 1974
Untitled《無題》, 1974
Vol haute | Flying High《高飛》, 1974
Untitled《無題》, 1974
Le chemin en zig zag 《曲折之路》, 1974
Untitled 《無題》, 1974-1976
Untitled 《無題》, 1975
Le rêve des fleurs | Dream of the Flowers《花之夢》, 1975
Untitled 《無題》, 1975-1979
Untitled 《無題》, 1975-1980
Deux amis | Two Friends 《雙友》, 1976
Somewhere 《某處》, 1977
Untitled《無題》, 1977
Le reflet jaune presque inaperçu | The Almost Unnoticed Yellow Reflection《幾乎不被注意的黃色反光》, 1977
Moderato cantabile, 1978
Le brouillard vient du côté gauche | The Fog Comes from the Left《霧從左邊來》, 1978
Asymétrie symétrique | Symmetrical Asymmetry《不對稱與對稱》, 1978
Le Rendez-vous des Lunes | The Appointment with the Moon 《與月亮的約會》, 1978-1979
Untitled 《無題》, 1978-1984
Le coin silencieux | The Silent Spot 《寧靜的角落》, 1979
Les Rocs verts | Green Stone 《綠石》, 1979
Archipel X | Archipelago X《X 群島》, 1979
La lune | The Moon《月》, 1979
Sur le passage haut | On the High Pass《行於高道》, 1979
Clair et obscur | Clear and Obscure《清澈與朦朧》, 1979
Rocher, je te salue | Rock, I Salute You 《岩石,我向你致敬》, 1979
Brume jaune, le silence | Yellow Mist, The Silence《黃霧 / 靜默》, 1979-1980
Untitled 《無題》, 1979-1981