Fung, Edward, ed. Lalan. Milan: Rizzoli International Publications Inc. and Kwai Fung Art Publishing House, 2022, Cover & p243
Extended Figure: The Art and Inspiration of Lalan. Hong Kong: Asia Society Hong Kong Center, 2021, pp51-52, p54, p65 & pp136-137
Rougemont, Josiane, ed. Lalan. Bangkok: Jean-Michel Beurdeley, 1999, p106
Exhibition Brochure of "Hommage à Lalan", Paris: Galerie Beurdeley, 1995, p12馮戈編:《謝景蘭》,米蘭:Rizzoli國際出版社、季豐美術出版社,2022年,封面及第243頁
《延綿之軀: 謝景蘭藝術展》,香港:亞洲協會香港中心,2021年,第51-52頁、第54頁、第65頁及第136-137頁